The Best Water Feature for You, Your Home

a small backyard lilypad waterscape

I get calls homeowners want to get a quote to put in a new pond, they say they want a pond, they don't want fish or plants just the sound of the water. So I start to telling/explaining to them about a pond and how a pond works with fish/plants, the filtration, how it all completes an ecosystems. I then explain to them about what a pondless waterfall is, they say yes that is what I want. If you are thinking of a water feature for your front of your home/entrance way or in your back yard. You do not have to have a lot of room for any type of water feature, you just know you want to have the sound, tranquillity of water running. If you have a stressful job, busy schedule with kids or busyness with life, have any type or water moving is very relaxing helps you unwind from your day. So customers put a water feature by there bedroom window, it is very relaxing to hear the water running while going to sleep. 

You know you want to have water lilies, plants, you love watching/interacting/feeding your fish you want a pond. You can do a 6x8 or larger just depending on the size of area you have. If you travel a lot, have busy work schedule, I can definitely set you up to have a maintenance program for you to help maintain your ecosystem pond. Or if you do not want to have any worries with have a pond, I would recommend looking at doing a pondless waterfall or a fountain/bubbling stone. A pondless waterfall/stream is a water feature with out the pond, the water goes through layer of gravel into a reservoir that is in the ground with a liner. There are no fish, no water lilies, you can have a plants, it will still give you hrs of relaxing sounds of the water running. One difference with a pondless to a pond is, you can turn it on and off when you want too, if you travel a lot you can turn your water fall off while you are away have no worries. With a pond you can not turn the waterfall of because of your fish, they need the oxygen, especially during the summer months here in Florida.

If you are looking for something very tranquil, slow moving water, a natural bubbling stone or a stacked slate urn or stacked slate sphere would be a great addition to your area. Even with a natural bubbling stone or an urn/sphere all you need is a 3'x3' area and you can have a water feature, at your home to enjoy it during the day and at night with lights in your feature. If you love watch the birds or butterflies you know the slower the water is moving the better chance to have them coming into your yard to bath or drink of the water. If you are interested in getting more info or any of these water features for you home please call me at 813-440-3442


Landscape Lighting


UV Light or Natural Water Treatment